The question recently submitted and answered in Ann Cannon’s column of Oct. 15, “How can I find a way to forgive a Mormon bishop who excommunicated my 23-year-old son for being gay?” is patently untrue.
Mormon bishops do not have the ability to excommunicate, and church policy is explicit that LGBT members can hold callings, attend all meetings, serve missions and receive a temple recommend.
Please take action to correct this with the same urgency as if you had allowed, “How can I find a way to forgive a Jewish Hazzan (prayer-leader) who pronounced herem (excommunication) on my 23-year-old son for being gay,” to be published. That impossible premise would not go unchallenged or uncorrected by a reputable publication.
I also hope the Tribune will not hide behind the answer, “That is how the question was presented to us.” While the mother’s pain and confusion are real, you have an obligation to correct misstatements that paint an inaccurate picture of an organization.
David Warden, Lehi